Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Difference Between Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training

Practicing yoga isn’t just following a few postures or meditation. There are many styles associated with yoga that offer great benefits. Now each style is different and offers different benefits. While, the majority of the practitioners at the beginning don’t know this, which is why this blog will help you in understanding the styles of yoga. 

Ashtanga and Vinayasa yoga teacher training are the two most pursued courses for all levels of practitioners. However, deciding on which course to choose is solely dependent on the practitioner’s body goals, learning and preference of yoga style. Based on that one can easily make the decision and pursue the course. 

Now to make the decision easier with complete knowledge about Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga teacher training in Rishikesh read the blog till the end. In this blog, we have briefly explained each yoga style, how it benefits and which one you should choose. So without any further ado, let’s first understand both styles. 

What is Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

Ashtanga yoga is considered as the most powerful yoga style. This style unlike the other includes higher physical endurance and mental strength to perform the postures. The style includes long duration holds on the posture making it even tougher to maintain stability. However, with practice and guidance, this yoga form can be a great game changer for a student’s health as well as for learning. 

The Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is a great opportunity for students or practitioners who wish to learn this style and experience the beauty of a yogic lifestyle. With a dedicated course based on the student experience and skills, each student will get a unique learning experience to upscale their journey. 

As the name suggests, Ashtanga Yoga will be the primary subject in the course while all the other subjects associated with yoga will be secondary. To offer an overall learning experience students will be taught each style under the guidance of an expert teacher. Other than the learning experience, students will be offered an ideal space to experience the yogic lifestyle firsthand. The course with its accommodation and food facility included making sure that the learning and experience go hand in hand. 

The Benefit of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Improves Physical Strength- The variety of asanas or postures involved in the course helps in building overall strength and stability in the body. The long duration of position hold and advanced level poses are the reason behind the gradual strength increase. The course initially trains the students to hold for less duration, while eventually for a longer duration enhancing the strength. The practitioners who wish to elevate their practice can pursue this course. After completing the course, the practitioners will be ready for the advanced level of practice and longer duration holds. 

Pain Relief- The next benefit of the Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh is pain relief. This might seem very unusual, but in reality, this is the most observed trait of this course. The longer position helps in stretching the muscles and improves flexibility. The improvement in the body helps in reducing pain and improving mobility in the entire body.

Pain relief is just the first phase, with regular practice students and practitioners can observe better endurance and less pain with regular activity as the flexibility is improved. 

Helps in Weight Loss- With regular practice and a dedicated diet plan, the students will observe transforming into a healthy overall body. The practice will help in reducing excessive fat from the body and regaining the muscles to a stronger overall physique. 

Future opportunities- After completing the course, students will unlock future opportunities to start as a certified yoga instructor. The learning and skill set will help in training other aspirants from across the globe and have a stable career. Students or practitioners who are passionate about the practice and wish to spend their lives with the rules of yoga can have a career and spend time with the yogic belief. 

What is Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh? 

Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, unlike the other courses, is very different. This yoga style focuses on fast movement while switching to different poses continuously. The practice of this yoga style takes years to reach perfection while constantly improving breathing and physical endurance. 

The changes in the poses and asana are followed by rhythmic breathing. This enhances blood circulation while allowing the body to connect better with the mind. Other than synchronised breathing, the style also includes controlling the breath as per the posture or asanas. The student will learn the synchronised changes and the sequence of the posture to follow. 

Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Enhanced Core Stability: The continued poses practice helps in improving stability and core strength. With regular practice, students can observe great impact and better stability. 

Better Heart Health: Controlling the breath and high-intensity training helps in improving heart health. Maintaining a good heart in today’s world is a tough task, but with regular practice of Vinyasa yoga students can learn the art of improving it. With the majority of the non-exercising people suffering from heart issues. The people practicing Vinyasa can observe a greater benefit and a healthy lifestyle throughout. 

Increase Lung Capacity: As part of the Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, students will learn to control their breath and synchronise it as per the requirement of the flow. This practice apart from improving blood circulation and oxygen flow in the body will also improve the capacity of the lungs. In the long run, this would help in maintaining health with an improved inhale and exhalation process that helps in removing toxins through the air. 

Future Opportunities: The last benefit of Vinyasa YTT in Rishikesh is that after the course students can start their careers as certified yoga teachers. The learnings and skills will help them in their journey, while the Yoga Alliance, USA certificate will work as an accreditation that helps in working in any part of the world. 

Concluding the Difference between Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Choosing the style of yoga to pursue can be easy if you know about the style and your future aspirations. However, many find this answer later when they have completed the beginner course. With this blog, we hope that we have helped you in finding out the major difference between the two yoga styles and their benefits. With complete knowledge about the style, you will be able to choose wisely as per your preferences and future goals.