
Learn the Breath Awareness Meditation Techniques to Overcome Stress and Anxiety

Stress is associated with many major health issues. According to psychologists, it is important to monitor and try to avoid taking stress over things that are not in control. However, it has been observed that even after trying, people find it difficult to relieve stress. Now this has become a common issue nowadays, which is why we at Gurukul Yogashala are here to help you with breath awareness meditation techniques to overcome stress and anxiety. 

With the changing lifestyles and preferences, health has been adversely affected. Even if you think to choose a better and a healthier option there are very few that you can follow as a routine. We understand the urgency and importance of choosing healthy habits and with the help of this article, we will share about a renowned practice of yoga which is beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety while improving overall health and alignment of body & mind. 

Power Breathing Awareness Meditation

Power Breathing Awareness Meditation is a technique of yoga where the practitioners concentrate on the breathing pattern while eliminating all the thoughts from the mind. With this practice, calmness to the mind is offered and it soothes the nervous system to develop a sense of peace and calmness. Stress and Anxiety are the two major problems nowadays that are associated with the mind. 

The right practice of power breathing awareness meditation can help in curing stress and anxiety. However, it is important to perform it accurately. To help you with the right technique, we have listed down the steps to perform breath awareness meditation. 

Right Technique to follow for practicing Breath Awareness Meditation

All the practitioners who wish to learn the correct technique to relieve stress and anxiety through Breath Awareness Meditation can follow the steps mentioned below. 

  • Get comfortable: The most important thing is to get into a comfortable position, where you can easily relax and concentrate. Use a cushion or a chair if needed for comfort. Now keep your spine straight and tall with relaxed shoulders and hands resting on your knees or lap. This position might initially feel discomfort but it is the ideal position which one should practice to adapt. With this position, there will be minimum strain on the body and help keep an upright position. 
  • Close your eyes: Now that you are in the ideal position to start, the next step is to gently close your eyes and take a few moments to settle in and collect your thoughts together. 
  • Shift focus towards breathing: Now that you have closed your eyes, your brain starts to think randomly about everything. You need to shift your focus on the breathing pattern. Observe how things change when you inhale or exhale. This practice of concentrating on one thing will help you remove other thoughts from your mind. 
  • Observe the process: As you further proceed with focusing on the breathing, after some time you might feel random thoughts clouding up and hindering your concentration. However, it is necessary to concentrate and focus on breathing and just observe the process without thinking about anything. 

This is the simple procedure to follow for breath awareness meditation. This technique will take some time to master, however with regular practice and consistency you can easily master it. While incorporating this practice into your lifestyle, here are a few tips to start with. 

Tips to incorporate Breath Awareness Meditation in Daily life

Consistency and regular practice is the key to mastering a skill. The same is true with breath awareness meditation. With regular practice, you can follow the path of a healthy lifestyle with less stress and anxiety. Here is how you can do that: 

  • Step by Step changes: Drastic change in the routine is not good for the body and mind. After a few days of continuous practice, the routine will feel boring and the mind will start to look for alternatives. So it is better to start slowly and gradually increase the duration as the body and mind adapt to the new changes in the routine. 
  • Be consistent: Spending time regularly will help you build a habit. With regular efforts and consistent practice, you will not only build habits but will also observe mindful changes that bloom positivity in your routine. 
  • Experiment and understand your body: There may be instances when you will find discomfort or distress in concentrating on breathing, that is when you will have to experiment and understand the body. Instead of just focusing on the breathing, you can even try and focus on how the diaphragm moves when you inhale or exhale, or how the nostrils move during this process. These other changes during breathing can help concentrate and shift your focus to a new process. 

Now that you have adopted new habits of mindfulness and relieving stress, here is what will change during the process of regular practice of breath awareness meditation. 

How does Breath Awareness Meditation help the body? 

With regular practice and time devoted towards breath awareness meditation, many health benefits can be observed in the body. Here are a few of the health benefits offered by this yoga technique. 

  • Reduced Stress
  • Relief in Anxiety
  • Better Concentration
  • Improved self-awareness
  • Better mind and body connection

These are some of the benefits of performing breath awareness meditation. Yoga is a journey where you learn about the body following various techniques and posters. If you are passionate about following a yogic lifestyle and want to learn, we at Gurukul Yogashala offer the best yoga teacher training courses in Rishikesh. Our courses are based on Vedic learning and traditional concepts that blend perfectly with modern-day routines. To know more about our course and yoga school.

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