The Importance of Proper Meditation Posture – Everything You Need to Know

Many people practice meditation but are still doubtful if they are getting their posture correct. If you see some of the photos and videos that people are uploading on social media, there is a high chance that you will notice people practicing incorrectly. There are some basic elements related to postures in yoga, no matter if you are practicing meditation or asana. If you are doing it wrong, it can yield negative results or no results at all. If you want to learn how to correct your posture while meditating, enrol for a retreat course or a yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. Gurukul Yogashala is one of the top schools and the traditional school, imparting such meaningful knowledge to one and all. For now, you can read this blog to unearth numerous new possibilities. 

Role Of Posture In Meditation 

While there are many different types of meditation, the postures are limited. The first thing that one should keep in mind, is to keep the spine erect so that the incumbent is alert. If you meditate on a regular basis, you can also experiment with different postures. Some postures can bring out the best in you. You can also take the assistance of props like cushions, bolsters, and yoga bricks, to get into the best position. Learn about such nuances as a part of the 200 hour yoga teacher training course at Gurukul Yogashala. The best teachers who have spent years perfecting their posture, are there to guide you. 

A good posture is vital to shut down all the distractions around you. Moreover, you can tap into the huge resources, if you get that posture correct. Meditation also relies to a large extent on breathing. If your posture is correct, you can focus on the inhalation and exhalation cycles in a better manner. There are many different postures which you can try. However, sitting posture is by far the most common one. Kneeling, lying down, and standing positions are also quite common. Here are four different positions, which can facilitate your meditation journey to yield fruitful results. 

Sitting Posture For Meditation 

The sitting posture is the most common one by far. If you choose to sit in this cross-legged position, ensure to sit atop a blanket or cushion. The hips should be a little bit higher than the knees. This will keep you erect. You can also sit on a chair, for maximum efficacy. Now, you have to follow a seven-point meditation posture checklist when you are seated. 

Seven Step Theory To Get That Perfect Posture 

  • You should find out what your most comfortable seating position is, whether you are sitting on a mat or a chair. If you are sitting on the mat, keeping the legs crossed helps. On the other hand, if you are sitting on a chair, keep the soles of the feet in gentle contact with the floor. 
  • Your spine should always be erect. Do not slouch or try to elongate the spine unnecessarily. 
  • You can place the hands by your side, on your lap, or on your knees, while incorporating a mudra into the practice. They should be still, throughout the practice, no matter what you choose. 
  • You need to relax the shoulders as well. They must not be slouched or over-extended. 
  • Now, coming to the chin, it should be tucked into the chest by an angle of 20 degrees. Additionally, you have to maintain your head straight. This way, you can ensure that your neck is relaxed. 
  • Your jaws must also be relaxed, when you are in a meditative posture. If you are stressed, your jaws will be tense. So, move your jaws from side to side and upwards and downwards for the best muscle release. 
  • Now, finally, we come to your gaze. You can choose to close your eyelids, and keep the eyes closed, throughout the practice. In case, if you want to meditate with the eyes open, you can fix a spot in front of you, and allow your gaze to remain there. A soft focus will definitely work wonders. 

Kneeling Posture 

Kneeling is another posture that should do you good. If you are meditating on the floor, you can try out this position. Use pillows or a folded blanket below the knees, to avoid any sort of knee pain. The support acts like a prop which perks up the spine. It is ideally a good idea to relax the hands, or else you can also keep them on the knees. This posture is great for those who find it difficult to keep their spine erect, in a cross-legged position. Keep the neck relaxed, allowing the head to stay relaxed, with the chin tucked in a bit into the chest cavity. 

Lying Down Position 

There may be those among you, who prefer to meditate while lying down. It works best if you are meditating at night. This position will help you to drift off to sleep. However, it is very important for you to find a comfortable position. Prop your head up a bit, with a pillow, or place a cushion below the knees. You can elongate your spine a bit, while keeping the legs stretched in front of you. Rest the hands, either on your chest, stomach or on the sides. Do what you feel comfortable with. Practice breath focus for maximum efficacy. 

Standing Position 

Finally, this is a position, which can help you to strengthen your body as well. Standing meditation also works for all those who find it difficult to sit comfortably. Ensure to place the feet firmly on the ground, while visualizing a connection. Relax the limbs by shaking them up a bit. There should not be any tension, anywhere in the body. You can choose to close the eyes, or keep them open. Soften up, if you notice any sort of tension, anywhere in the body.

Props Usage In Meditation 

The teachers at Gurukul Yogashala, have the right expertise to advise the usage of props, while you learn and practice meditation. The main purpose of props in the realm of meditation, is to ensure that you get comfortable and peaceful. It will also help you to stay focussed, while meditating. Cushions, blankets, and mats are used frequently, to reduce discomfort while you sit. Eye bands are also used to block out excess light. Some people also use japa malas and singing bowls, to enhance their surroundings. You can also light candles and incense to give another spiritual dimension to your practice, as taught in the yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

These accessories mainly help you to tap into your sensory resources. You will also be able to anchor yourself into the present moment, through the proper use of these props. Mats and blankets offer a soft surface so that you do not hurt your back or knees, while sitting in a meditative posture for a long time. The experts at Gurukul Yogashala have the right experience to guide you through the choices. That is why, it is important for anyone interested in this holistic realm, to join a professional yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh

Challenges Faced By Students While Meditating 

Let us assume that you are wearing comfortable clothes, while meditating. Additionally, the environment may be conducive as well. Still, many of you may face problems, while meditating. The teachers at Gurukul Yogashala can intervene in such cases, and advise you on the usage of props and additional cues. Finding the right meditation is extremely crucial, if you want to get all the benefits. 

  • Some of you may not be able to focus. The teachers will ask you and facilitate you to count your breath. This can make things better for you. 
  • Many of you may keep nodding your head, while meditating. This response is related to drowsiness. You can get a solution to this problem, if you consciously engage the core and keep the spine erect. 
  • Many of you may find it hard to visualize. In that case, the teachers who conduct the yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, will help you with guided visualization. 
  • Many of you may find it difficult to relax. This is more so, if you are constantly worried about work. Listening to soft music while meditating can help.
  • Slumping is a common physical problem, which you can correct with folded blankets and cushions, placed underneath the hips or knees.  

These are a few challenges faced by students. You can join a retreat program or a full-time course to do better. 

Benefits Of Correct Posture While Meditating 

  • Good posture while you are sitting for so long, will help you to protect your back from injury. 
  • The correct posture can help you to eliminate stress, and if done wrong, it is just the opposite.
  •  It also impacts your ability to stay focussed. 
  • If your posture is correct, you will feel grounded as well. 

To get all the knowledge about the perfect meditative postures, doing a course or retreat class is important. Gurukul Yogashala is the place where you can learn such things.


Join the 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, to get the education related to this holistic practice. We are sure, you will never have to look back. You can get the best guidance in this genre and will be able to get rid of many mental, emotional, and physical problems. Gurukul Yogashala has the best blend of knowledge for learners of all levels.

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